How does it work?

Search for what you need 

Our beautiful app allows you to browse through your desired items, in your city. You will be notified of the nearest possible give away in your area with your favourite items

Select points for the product

Once you found your perfect item, choose the delivery type from the available types. i.e pickup/delivery, and bid with any points you like.

Set pickup time

If you have selected pickup option, select time from the given available timeslots from the product owner or talk with him for a fovourable time.

Pick your item and exchange points

When you pickup the product, the offered points will be debited to the product onwner and you will get your free item.

Your gateway to free items near you! 
See what treasures you can find in your area! 
Share more and waste less

Contact us

We are all ears, please don't ​​hesitate to send us an email
